I think that I have analysed the text that i have chosen pretty well as a whole. By using migrain anylisis i have come out of watching my text with a better insight into the treatment of females in superhero movies. When i origannly first saw the trialer for my independant study for the Hypothesis i took notes through the migrain key concepts and it proved very helpful to me in identifyin the key aspects to my indepdenant study question. As I find A01 the easiest of the assessment objectives i was quite comfortable in writing about them when studying my trailer but i struggled with some more than others , for instance the narrative. For some of my classmates it is easy to write about propps theory, femenism etc because it follows the structure of thier films however because the film i am studying is in the superhero film genre it is a condiderably harder prospect to wtire about. This is why I feel I am sturgglin for vaild reaserch on my film that relates to my question because most reveiws or quotes from blogs that fills up my reaserch is based on more of the main male characters and hardly and of the treatment of the female ones which is my main objective. Judging on what ive done on the blog so far i feel that i will need more prasticse on the migrain analyisis because i am coming up with the same things for each factor of the key concepts, to acheive a better understanding of this i feel i will need to practise more of this on different texts of the same genre possibly.
- The reaserch I uncovered in terms of relation to the independant study question
- The consistency of the migrain anylsisis that I produced on three different accounts
- Comfortably understanding what i had to do in this part of the assessment objective
- If i managed to find more reaserch of different things that will help me answer my question
- My Migrain analysis has more variety and range to it and not mentionnin the same things over again
The spirit of the age probably comes into focus when looking at superhero genre becuase of the emergance of lead female roles, however this is something I have yet to put on my blog thus far as it is difficult to find the right reaserch that backs up zeitgeist. What is currently on the blog doesnt refer to shep( social, polictial , economical and policitical) What i feel is nesseciary to cover the missing aspects is looking up reaserch that will compare how times where like for females in this genre back then and now.
- knowing what I have to do to improve this part of the assessment objectives
- I compelete what this objective covers by getting some reaserch and relating it to my study
- comparing and contrasting the significance of the time change concerining action film genre
I feel that i have done a lot of reviewing of my topic but undoubtebly could do more. There are lots of websites that have helped me because they have articles in them that speak about the representation of women within the action film industry and how they have changed. For instance how women were prevoiusly viewed as sex objects and were subdued to roles where they are only thier to be saved or when they are trying to seduce the male on his quest, these are roles which dont have that much value and are very stereotypical. These articles also suggest that they have now become eqivilant to men.
My question is a good question but at the same time is difficult to answer simply because of the lack of precise related reaserch, but ive done a detailed hypothesis which is in part of the earlier posts of the blog. Ive attempted doing migrain in the texts but only on the trialer because i havent found a specfifc scene in the movie to do a good textual anylsis on yet. Thier is a lot of debate espcially from the media gardain of woman not making the top jobs in the industry and i think that this is the same case as not a lot of woman are making it that big in hollywood. Currently i havent studyied it from different prospectives and this is something i must definanlty do if im going to give a good honest answer of my question, as i said in my self assesment objectives i beielive that i will need help in the reaserch techniques. In the coming weeks i plan to analyse other texts from the same and different genre or from the same or different historical period, and trying to compare them with my own. Thier are a number of texts that i am aiming to watch and compare and contrast similarites and differences amongst them and my films, elecktra, catwoman, fantastic four and kill bill our amonsgt the films i have selected for contrasting purposes . I am trying to keep detailed notes of quotes , websties and articles etc ive done that so far but need to do a lot more
Some key features of med 4 from last year have been put into my study of this year with the represenation of women and the genre of the film in particualr being portrayed
I have been self motivated not because of the working standard that i have to produce but more for the fact that I dont fall behind my classmates and the lessons in place. I have gotten a lot of ideas independantly but also from the net , ive been working idepedantly mainly because no one else has a spefific genre like mine so the similarites would be very vague.
I have used lots of clear subheadings to seperate reaserch, homework and coursework asessements so i would say it is quite well organsied, so when I look at it I know where certain things are sraight away. So far I think ive used key media terminolgy in light ascpects but need to do it a lot more and have a much wider termonilgy vocab. I do a lot of spell checking for each of my peices but i dont really highlight the most important bits of reaserch that ive found this is something i must improve on.
- Use subheadings to seprate work and make it clear to see
- work is well orgasnised and i know where everything is
- Highlight the most relevant parts of my reaserch
-Use a wider range of media vocaubalry
Sunday, 5 October 2008
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