Sunday, 4 January 2009


"The passive audience of the 1960s became the active audience of the 1970 in the uses and grats theroy of elihu katz and others, this reversed the imbalance of ealier theories in that it advocated a more active role for the viewer"
pg 30 Introducing Media studies Ziauddin Sardar

" Intertextaully can create extra layers of meaning and associaions leading to an understanding of a text that is based partly on what preceeds it"
pg 45 Introducing Media studies Zaiuddin Sardar

"The only path to redemption for her sinful ways is to be upgraded to an honourable marrried women patricias role is to remind the audience of mens natural intended rightful place for women which is to raise children and dutifully supporting the more important work of men"
pg 138 Introducing Media studies Ziaddin Sardar

" Members of the audience will discuss whether lara croft is a femenisit icon or a het mle wet dream"
pg 203 Introduction to film Nick lacey

"As richard dyer (1993) suggested sterotypes are both an ordering process and a short cut to meaning, he goes on to demonstrate how a woman with blonde hair, voluptious, figure and pouting expression offers many connotations"
pg 263 Introduction to fim Nick lacey

"Hegemonic masculinity is hegemonic because we all participate in the same fears and fantasies"
pg 155 Impossible bodies Femninity and Masculinty at the movies Chris Holmund

" Women were repeatedly shown as housewives, mothers, homemakers while men were often represented in situations of authority and dominance over women"
pg 95 The Media studies students book Gill branston

" Femenist critics have in particualr been attracted to iconic images of strong women"
pg9 Action and Adventure cinema Yvonne tasher

" The post femenist character of the action heroines showcased in such movies are physically strong, independent though often emotionally vunerable, typically glamorous and even overtly sexy it represents an extension of the tradition of fiesty heroines"
pg 9 Action and Adventure cinema Yvonne Tasker

"The action film has historically been a male genre dealing with stories of male heroism , produced by male filmmakers for principally male audiences"
pg 9 Action and Adventure cinema Yvonne Tasker

"The problem the meledromatic structure faces is one of the producing drama while conforming to social defenitions of women in thier domestic roles as wives and mothers"
pg 163 The cinema Book Pam cook

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