Tuesday 28 October 2008

Self Evaluation

Attainment: 2:

I try to give my all in class both in contributing and on the work side of things and so far i feel so good as the work i have produced so far in my opinion as been of a high standard however it could be higher and that is why its not a 1.

Effort: 2

Sometimes I admit to drifting off but for the majority of the time I give my all when contributing to class discussions and when completing homework assignments.

Punctuality: 2

I have given myself this grade as i am good but not perfect in terms of being in the class, their have been times where i have not been in or have arrived late in the class but this year that has been kept to a very low minimum

Submission and quality of my homework: 3

This isn't one of my strongest aspects because i have tended to hand my homework in late on some occasions but overall i hand it in more on time, as for the standard of the work being honest it hasn't been of my best purely because of getting use to the yr 13 course but as time goes on i believe i will be better at this so in the future i hope to give myself a 1 for this part.

Ability to work Independantly : 3

I often ask for help on topics that are quite difficult to understand simply because i don't want to get it wrong when handing it in, but usually it is not for big problems but rather the smaller ones, however if given an assignment to do independently i would be quite confident of completing it by myself.

Quality of writing :4

This at best is quite average as i have yet to understand to meanings of the broader and longer words of the media analysis completely yet, i often repeat myself in assignments and i need to widen my vocabulary in the future if i am to get the higher grades.

Organisation of media folder: 3
If asked to lay out sheets that are relevant to my study I wouldn't struggle to do so but it isn't in a complete and utter mess where I wouldn't be able to find anything

Oral contribution in class: 1

This along with my blog i feel is my strongest features of being a media student, i have gradually grown in confidence since the first lesson of yr 13 and now am contributing to class discusions in almost every class so its one of my stengths without doubt.

Standard of med 5 blog: 1

Although their isn't as much detail on it in terms of writing as some of my fellow class mates it is certainly enough posts on it to help me a lot, if i were asked to write my independent study now i would feel confident with the help of my blog as its very useful and up to a good standard.

Standard of med 6 blog: 3

I do the work our teacher sets us and have also added some posts through my own findings that have come up when i am completing other work but being honest this right now is playing second fiddle to my Med 5 blog so in the future i must start to focus on this as its just as important when it comes to the contributions to my overall grade.

- I have a 100% record of completions of all homework's tasks set by my teachers up to this point
- Ive contributed with good points to all the people who have done their presentations
- I come on time to class almost always and attend almost always as well

- I focused more on my Med 6 blog , making it a more equal split between the blogs
- If I stated more Shep information on my text
- If we had won the best overall media studies production but life's like that sometimes

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