Thursday 11 December 2008

3 Ways to Improve Female represenation offscreen

1) Get female actresses to publicly endorse and ask for more female directors (cult of celebrity) to come out and show what they have got, they can say that they want to work with someone new , fresh and someone who shares their views from a patriarchal perspective. By doing this it will them give female film directors more better representation as more people will take them seriously

2) If famous male directors took the up and coming female ones under their wings and made it public they was doing so to put more attention on the females off screen. People will respect that they are working under such big names and then will be taken more seriously if they go on to direct a film after the guidance of a successful well known male director like Tarintino or Spielberg.

3) Create bigger versions of the women's film festival with more attention on the events to portray their hard work and dedication to what the are making, this would highlight their ability to produce good films just as good as men and put the spotlight on their career juggling showing that it isn't impossible to balance directing a film and having children.

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