Sunday 22 March 2009

Friday 13th Hybrid movie

If I were to create a remake of the film Friday the 13th then i would keep some aspects the same as the movies in the past and change others to meet the current target audiences expectations. The repertoire of elements that have become accustomed to horror/slasher movies will be kept to keep in touch with the audiences of old who cherished those particular conventions that came with the type of genre and not try to alter that.

What I'm talking about when I mean those conventions are things like the use of knives to butcher helpless victims and groups of friends tress passing on the villains land, it would be based around the same narrative that Friday the 13th used in the original expect it would have a spin with the characters knowing beforehand about the villains threats but they will still go ahead with the counselling at camp Cristal lake.

Although audiences will question their intelligence at this decision I would make the characters arguably more intelligent then the killer by outsmarting him on more than one occasion, in addition the characters will give up more of a fight before dying rather than just get instantly murdered in a weak fashion this will give a more respectful outlook to the audience who have come accustomed to unrealistic scenarios.

By giving female characters more of a push with more fighting characteristics it would reflect the zeitgeist as women are being portrayed in a better fashion than they were 30 years ago in the time of the 2nd wave of feminism. The whole blonde bimbo ideology will be challenged through the main female leads personality and determination giving a more recent 21st century representation to blonde females. Another thing i would update is the "unwritten rules of slasher film" where if characters are promiscuous they are punished by death, I would change that to reflect the fact that society doesn't look at sex as such a sin as it did in the past but more about the consequences of sex instead (teenage pregnancies etc)

The setting will remain the same so the audience so the film doesn't lose a sense of its identity that the Cristal lake gives it, the setting is the perfect area for murderers to happen as it is quest away form civilization which allows Jason( the murderer) to commit his murders without the knowledge of society. Finally the killer will be able to savage his victims in a quest for revenge in a variety of different ways apposed to the limited ways they could do it in the past, new weapons would be introduced to murder the victims and different scenarios to the expectancies will be used as well to give the audience a sense of realism considering the changing of the times in society has found methods or murderer's in real life to be more sickening than in the past.

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