Monday 26 January 2009

First Paragraph Rewrite

"Storm, I hadn't thought of you as my student for years. In fact, I thought that, perhaps, you might take my place some day" From prof Charles Xavier [1]

Are the female roles in the modern day genre of superhero films a victory for women or are they still objects of desire? With particular reference to the film x-men 3?

The superhero genre is credited for having a long history of providing great memorable films such as superman, fantastic 4 and the spider man sequels. However they have a direct link and association with Hollywood a film industry that has been accused of "symbolically annihilated" [2] females on screen. For generations women have been giving negative representation of being weak, dumb, narrow minded and only interested in housework just to name a few.
It isn't just in Hollywood that they have been discriminated it is apparent in aspects of different industries, in sports their is the tag that they cannot play as well as men and in the corporate world their is the myth (that Barthes created)[3] that women cannot compete intellectually with men and are only their to play token employees to show the company isn't sexist.

The respective feminists movements (1920s and 1970s) have played an inaugural part in creating positive representation for females and expanding the limited roles that they played in movies such as the femme fatale (where the woman would be sinister, driven and even in some cases potentially deadly) or the heroes love interest when their only existence was generally for a purpose to be saved by the leading male protagonist. They have seen both sides of the story and this essay will be undermining the answer to the question I have set that's is to justify fully whether female roles in Hollywood in the modern era as apposed to generations before have changed for the better or are they subjected to being objectified. What is encouraging for women in the film from the quote is that the boss of the mutants team believes that storm ( a female) can take over his position in power which will ultimately mean she would become to most powerful character [4]

[2] G Tuchman
[3] Barthes
[4] X men: The last stand (2006)

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